Road to Emmaus

by Kedda Keough

A long road beckons us on; we barely notice where we are. So often our hearts are filled with sorrow and confusion. No matter how much we go over what has happened, we can’t understand.

Where is God in this?  Why did this happen?  How can it be?  What should we do?

Then you came along.  You joined us on our journey and listened. We tried to make sense out of tragedy. Tried in telling you, to understand it ourselves. 

Where is God in this?  Why did this happen?  How can it be?  What should we do?

We told it all.  You listened so well; you didn’t turn away. Then you began to open our hearts to new possibilities. You opened our hearts to a new way of seeing. Our hearts began to burn within us. And we began to understand. 

Where God is in this.  Why this did happen.  How it can be.  What we should do.   

You got ready to leave us, but we couldn’t let you go. We begged you to stay, to tell us more. We invited you into our home; we needed more. You came in to stay with us.

We sat down to table. You blessed the bread, broke it, gave it away… to us. 

Immediately we knew you! We knew you risen from death itself. Barely pausing to pack, we ran out the door We had to tell everyone the good news.

We sat down to table. We blessed the bread, broke it, gave it away… to all. 

Luke 24: 13-35